国際教育フェア 東京参加申し込みフォーム
This application does not guarantee a seat at the EXPO. Depending on the number of people waiting, you might be asked to wait at an exhibit booth. We may check the information you provided on the application form at the venue. You will need an application to enter the EXPO venue, even if you are not planning to attend any events inside.
個人情報の取り扱い/Handling of Personal Information
イベントに関するご連絡でご提供いただいた個人情報は、株式会社GSA Media(以下「GSA社」)と朝日放送グループホールディングス株式会社(以下「ABC GHD社」)が、お客様が申し込まれたイベント(以下、「本イベント」)の受付・運営、その他イベントに関するご連絡・資料等の送付・分析・統計情報の作成に利用するほか、GSA社ならびにABC GHD社が主催・共催・後援等する展示会等の催事に関するご案内(GSA社、ABC GHD社から案内メールを送付することを含みます)のために共同で利用します。当社は、お客様の個人情報を、法令および個人情報保護方針(https://www.gsacademy.com/online-school/gsamedia-privacypolicy)(https://corp.asahi.co.jp/ja/security/privacy.html)にしたがって安全かつ適切に取り扱います。
The personal information you provide will be used jointly by Global Step Academy Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “GSA”) and Asahi Broadcasting Group Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “ABC GHD”) for communications related to the International Education EXPO (hereinafter referred to as “the EXPO”), including the reception and operations of the EXPO. Other communications related to the EXPO include sending event materials and statistical analysis. You might also receive information on exhibitions and other events sponsored, co-sponsored, or supported by GSA and ABC GHD (including sending information from GSA and ABC GHD). We will handle your personal information safely and appropriately following laws and our privacy policies (https://www.gsacademy.com/online-school/gsamedia-privacypolicy) (https://corp.asahi.co.jp/en/privacy.html).
Please read the “Handling of Personal Information” and confirm all the details. Please check the box for “I hereby consent to the processing of the personal data that I have provided” and complete the application form. You will not be able to apply for the EXPO without this consent. Once you check the box, the “Confirm” button will appear.
- ・英数字は半角で入力してください/Please enter alphanumeric characters in half-width.
- ・半角カナは使用しないでください/Please do not use half-width Katakana.
- ・※ 必須回答/Required response